Mar 14, 2010


Mar 11, 2010

Spot the Differents!

Try to spot the different about this 2 pictures of me as Catzo!!

Mar 8, 2010

Wow! Look at this.

Mar 7, 2010

This above 2 pictures are my logo design for my final Multimedia project. Later I will upload the final works.

Mar 5, 2010

A Poem I Wrote Myself

For I

For I, ruled the days, enslaved the nights,
Built my castle on pillars of sand,
My throne perched at the edge of the cliff.

For I, sins are engraved,
The deeds are burned,
Redemption is forsaken,
Forgiveness is absent.

For I, do not deserve the droplet of sadness,
Not worthy of fond memories,

For I, only wish, only wish for your forgiveness,
Please forgive me.

This poem is written by me for the purposes of my drama finals. Critics are welcome.